24km 36km
380m 550m
spring & summer
Physical & technical
From Bénévent-l’Abbaye, set off on a route rich in natural treasures. Two options are available to you: a 24 km route and another of 36 km. These two routes intersect at certain points, allowing you to combine them if you wish.

From the parking de la République, you will reach a wide gravel track that crosses fields before entering a beautiful forest, leading you to the Étang de la Brousse. These first kilometers offer a great diversity of landscapes, with many transitions like this one, between the open spaces of the fields and the intimate, green atmosphere of the forest.

You will then continue your journey towards Sazeirat, where you will have the opportunity to discover the famous Gros Chêne (Big Oak). With over 450 years of age, this majestic tree is one of the remarkable trees of Limousin. It is impossible to miss when you pass by, as its magnificence will captivate you instantly. Take the time to stop and admire this natural wonder, which testifies to the beauty and longevity of the trees in the region.

Back in Bénévent-l’Abbaye, take the time to make a stop at Broc’Aux Locaux, a store that showcases products from local producers and artisans. You won’t be able to resist their delicious bread, as well as the goat cheese they offer. It’s a real treat for the taste buds! Note: If bakeries and restaurants are closed, you have the option to create your own sandwich using the products available at Broc’Aux Locaux!

You can even sit down to have a picnic in the village and enjoy a breathtaking view of the You can even sit down to have a picnic in the village and enjoy a breathtaking view of the St Barthélémy Abbey.

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